"Grassroots” մշակութային դրամաշնորհային ծրագիր (GCGP) ՖՏ 2024_English only

  Grant Assistance for Cultural Grassroots Projects (GCGP) provides nonrefundable financial assistance to support the implementation of cultural and higher education projects. GCGP directly supports the promotion of culture at the grass-roots level and higher education in each country, while also acting as cooperation which encourages understanding of and cultural exchanges with Japan. Such projects can include the procurement, transportation and installation of equipment and construction or restoration of facilities used for various cultural and higher educational activities and the preservation of cultural heritage. 

The eligible recipients of GCGP are any type of non-profit organizations which are active at the grass-roots level in developing countries. These organizations include non-governmental organizations (NGOs), local authorities, research and higher education institutions. Under certain conditions, governmental institutions may also be eligible for assistance. Individuals and profit-making organizations are not eligible for GCGP.

  • Japanese language education equipment (LL equipment, etc.) for the Japanese language departments at universities
  • Sound and lighting equipment for theaters
  • Sports equipment for sports facilities and organizations (including martial arts)
  • Audio-visual equipment for art galleries and museums
  • Capability of the proponent (including track record, financial management capacity, implementation capability and monitoring system, etc.)
  • Project feasibility
  • Sustainability
  • Appropriateness and cost-effectiveness of the requested grant
  • Necessity and impact
   The grant amount per project generally cannot exceed 10 million JPY (approximately US$ 72,000 for JFY 2024)

  All the required documents shall be presented in English.
  If your organization satisfies the conditions described above and would like to seek GCGP funds in order to implement a project for the promotion of culture or higher education in the Republic of Armenia, you should submit an application form to the Embassy of Japan in Armenia. The application form must be accompanied by a detailed breakdown of the budget for the project, a map showing the project site, estimates for the goods and services that will be purchased by the grant (from three different suppliers), the document introducing your organization (such as brochures), its regulations, and the annual budget of your organization. Please send your project request papers and all supporting documents to the following e-mail address by March 8 (Fri), 2024:
   E-mail: embjp@yv.mofa.go.jp
  Please find the GCGP guideline and application form and read them carefully before you start preparing for the application.  
When submitting your application form, please note the following points:
(1) In selecting projects for funding, the Japanese Government places a high priority on the impact and sustainability of the project. You must convince the Japanese embassy that your organization can manage the project well. A detailed description of the past achievements of your organization will therefore be helpful.
(2) The Japanese Government cannot provide funds for salaries and other operating expenses. The operating expenses from the implementation of the project shall therefore be independently financed by your organization. In order to convince the embassy that you can manage the project well, you must show that your organization has sufficient funds to cover running expense.
(3) Pro forma estimates must be submitted for each budget item so that the Embassy ensures validity of the project. Three different suppliers are also needed.
(1) Prospective applicants should note that the following budget items cannot be financed: consumables, operating and maintenance costs of facilities and equipment, administrative costs of the recipient organization, the cost of accepting experts and training, the cost of hosting events.
(2) Funds received must be used exclusively for the implementation of the project. The Embassy reserves the right to claim a refund of the grant if the funds are used for any purpose other than for the implementation of the project.